And let’s be honest, it’s because there’s so much bounty.
…Not from trials….
Right now it’s from:
too many green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggs and raspberries,
clothing {read laundry}
too much house
too many toys
too many hobbies
too much service
You get the idea?
And I grumble under my breath as I bottle the 70th pint of green beans and a skirt sits cut out but not finished on my sewing machine.
{I actually counted how many pints because I’m like that.}
And my friends think of sarcastic sayings like: #soblessed!
But then I feel like a jerk because I come home from serving at our church’s pear orchard for three hours grumbling about the mess in the house…
And Bryce and the kids have made a fun, little video while I was gone.
And because I’m a dork, I couldn’t figure out how to get the darn thing loaded, but here it is in pictures:
And, of course, it made me bawl like a selfish baby.
{I’m planning on posting again this week and sharing who is getting some of my free hand-me-downs….get excited.}