or for woman who is behind on posting about her life.
But for real, two weeks ago the only thing I was doing was canning my face off
and cooking three meals a day
except for the one time I begged
Bryce in text form to take care of dinner.
Because somehow 170# of pears can take the wind out of your sails.
And make your feet swollen,
and your arms sticky,
and you hair matted,
and leave you an empty shell of your former self.
But school starts this week and we’ve been summering hard to try and finish up our to-do list:
bike ride to Del Taco for dinner {I think you can fill out an adoption form on line to be a part of our family}
a trip to Eugene
and a couple of gift cards that needed to be used to the Family Fun Center and an animal rescue facility which was completely underwhelming and if you ever come to visit and you look up fun things to do and that is on the list and you’re planning on going, we will conveniently have other plans.
On to the pictures!
When my parents were here, my mom made a liner for this industrial laundry cart Bryce bought for me last {ahem} year.
Proof of my efforts: raspberry peach jam and green beans.
Our neighbor had one of their trees taken down.
A shoulder ride for the bear.
She’s kinda been a rock star this canning season.
Bryce and I were both out one evening leaving the kids home
by themselves
for like maybe fifteen minutes.
And Meg super loves to help and be in charge.
And the little kids super love not listening to her.
Apparently she was trying to get Bennett to put on his pjamas for bed.
When he refused to listen,
she threw the cat at him.
I came home to a heavily bandaged three year old.
The kids were mostly over zealous in their first aid and the scratch wasn’t THAT bad.
I guess my kids can weaponize cats.
I sold our other table and buffet.
I loved that set and it served us so well for so long.
But I think realistically we need something that is a bit less formal and is more forgiving.
We talked about making a table but we found this great hand made table with redwood and salvaged wood that was perfect.
And this metal cubby now serves as our buffet.
We’re slowly accumulating more vintage school chairs to fill out our set.
Bryce, Meg and Spencer decided to run some passes.
My mother-in-law gave the kids this circuit board and they have LOVED it.
This holds a lot of the pictures I’ve taken this year and while it’s sitting on the floor waiting for a new spot in the home the kids enjoy looking at it and laughing at naked Bennett pictures.
Libby trying to ‘coax’ out the kitty.
Oregon is on fire and we’ve had like four weeks of heavy smoke in our valley, which makes for rust colored moons.
An almost sleep over.
Until they realized they had no personal space.
And could hit each other with the greatest of ease.
They all ended up in their own beds.
I finally found a solution to the Lego problem.
A massive trunk with a couple of compartments.
He was impressed he got the marker to stay.
Libby during family scripture study.
We heart Pit.
At her doctor’s check up.
The doctor gave her only one sticker.
Which was silly.
Because she has TWO eyes.
So we snuck another one.
Using our gift card.
Back to school pictures.
Whenever I’m in a rut, I just go out and photograph Meg on the trampoline.
The kids finished up their gardening class.
My sister-in-law rented a water slide while we were visiting in Eugene.
And a family friend gave the kids some tickets to their first Oregon football game.
I made eye contact with this guy, raised my camera, and he struck a pose.
And a little backyard tea party in a water filled boat.
And a little sad on the way home from our weekend away.
Well, if you need me this week I’ll be mopping the floor, reading novels, eating chocolate without public scrutiny, taking naps, admiring my picked up house and making plans for what fun things we should do next summer.
lovely! as always! are you really finished canning? we've just started...