The Happyish Homestead

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Winner and Projects

mamapineapple is the winner!  I’ll get it to you soon, since you live just around the corner, or maybe not quite that soon, because in fact, you do just live around the corner….


I stopped by an estate sale one Saturday and picked up this old vanity mirror frame and a couple of other frames.

I painted everything up and put it to work.



I  finally filled out my mock gallery wall.


And if anyone cares, I put away my 4th of July décor.


Approximately 37 days after I had first put it up.



And because I’m nesting, I’m working on projects completely irrelevant to bringing a new life into the world.

Like repainting my kitchen benches.

Which after much searching, I came to the conclusion that I never took a ‘before’ picture as they were too hideous.


Because I was at Wal-Mart buying back to school supplies I bought some orange-ish/pink chevron fabric.

Which I put on a down pillow I bought in Utah at Ikea…..nine months ago.

It actually looked way more salmon/coral color in the store or maybe that was the insanity talking after toting around four kids in Wal-Mart trying to find pink pearl erasers….

Didn’t think that one through.


Have a good weekend.



  1. you are the most productive pregnant lady ever. I love your gallery wall. It's fabulous.

    1. Thanks for always commenting, you're nice to do that.

  2. What is it about those pink erasers at back to school time? I couldn't find any last year so I bought some last November for this year. But then I had to find them. Ugh. Pretty sure Wal-Mart should be able to figure that one out...

    I LOVE your gallery wall because I'm living vicariously through it - Michael really, really doesn't get it so we don't have one. Boys.

    Wish I was there to nest with you...

    1. They're like a unicorn...people say they exist, but I've just never seen them....


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