The Happyish Homestead

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How To Get Rid of Text Enhance

Text enhance is this new way of free advertising for blogs.

Except it's super annoying and invasive and automatic.

Here's how to get rid of it if you have a blog.

Scroll over the underlined/Text Enhanced word.

Click on the question mark in the upper right hand corner of the dialogue box.

Find 'Support' at the bottom of the page.

Read through the jargon till you find the blue highlighted phrase mentioning opting out.

Click on that.

Click the box that says, yes, you want to opt out of text enhance.

Type in the words.

Press enter.

It will tell you if you've been successfully opted out or not.

It took me a couple of tries and I eventually had to start all over because I couldn't successfully type in the computer screening words.

This will get rid of text enhance for your blog and other blogs you pull up.

Good luck.

Hope this helps if you have this problem.



  1. What is the deal with this? My Custom Domain blogspot blog just automatically started displaying these links that I do not want. For one they annoy me and readers, and for two there's no way I'm receiving anything for them because they have none of my info.


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